Monday, August 16, 2010

Im working hard

I realize it has been a very long time since I updated my blog.... whoops. I am super busy with things like work and Sturgis (haha :D) Im finally comfortable with my job... I think. Actually just when I get comfy and cozy something crazy happens that I don't know how to handle. Im actually in the work facillity right about now. I work for a place called lifequest in a home with five guys that need assistance. Im learning their language which was nothing but meaningless noise to me a couple months ago. For example:

Shiken= Chicken
Puper dog= Puppy dog
Puper ball=Basketball
Get her= Get it

Ha ha seems easy to figure out...but most words are like this. I wouldn't have it any other way. I have to work hard to figure out the likes and dislikes of my guys. Smiles become very rewarding. Dancing on the way to places makes the silent guy laugh. Blowing bubbles outside is simple but when they catch one its like they won an award. My guys can shoot a basketball better then me any day. Pizza is a favorite food. Sometimes they get lazy and make me tie their shoes. They all like being tucked into bed. If I wink and smile at one of the guys he will do just about anything I ask him. One of them claims to hate "shiken" but whenever I make it he always wants seconds. They all like different temperatures of water for their shower. They all like pie. :D

So there you have it.
Not really an update on my life but an update on my job. Sounds easy... Sounds fun... I will have you know it has its rewards and downfalls. My job is extremely personal. Extremely difficult, and requirs a good deal of good judgement, patience, and understanding.

You know how Im super messy??? AHAHA My job requires me to be constantly cleaning... oh the irony... I cant take care of myself, but 5 guys... for sure. :)

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