Thursday, January 13, 2011

As of late. A much needed update.

I shaved my head in September.
One of my guys passed away at work.
Im applying for school.
I am having trouble keeping in contact with my brother and sister.
My brother kenny lived with me momentarily only to be thrown back in prison.
Im reading more books now.
I have my eyes on a new guitar.
(This is thee first time I have fallen in love with a guitar)
Im not in love with anyone though.
I have been splurging on makeup and new nail polish every paycheck.
I have been making alot of indian food.
I have thought about dieting.
I want to loose 40lbs.
I ate sushi for the first time in almost a year last weekend.
I still smoke cigarrettes.
I miss my best friends.
Im afraid this post is rather bland.